Saturday, May 22, 2010

I had the day off yesterday and spent the whole day in Central Park! It was heaven.  I walked around for about 4 hours, just kind of wandering around and taking pictures while listening to John Lennon's solo albums.  I'm convinced that everyone has to experience walking through the park, listening to "Out The Blue" at least once in their life.  Here's a few pictures from the day...

I have more on facebook- I think about 50 pictures.

After a while I headed towards the Upper East Side to walk around a bit... I decided that I much prefer the West Side.  After burning about 800000 calories walking, I wanted to get some ice cream.  So, I went on a search for Tasti D-Lite.  I started out at 73rd and 5th, heading south.  Finally, at 60th street, I found a subway.  I got off at the wrong stop- I ended up just on 57th and found the hotel I stayed at during my first trip up here.  I got back on the subway and headed towards Herald Square- 34th street.  I walked around for another hour and couldn't find the ice cream place, so I just went back to Brooklyn.  Meagan and I went to a little Mexican restaurant, then went back to the apartment... we both fell asleep really early.  Around 12:30, I woke up due to a... disturbance outside.  I couldn't go back to sleep, so I just stayed up and went to the airport with Meagan to drop off Emily around 5:30 AM.  We got breakfast near the East Side, passing Queens on the way.  At 6 AM, people were still at the club! Ha! It was so funny; all these girls were dressed up in their club gear walking the streets.  After breakfast we headed back to Brooklyn, and I finally fell asleep at 9 AM.

Every day here is a new adventure.  I really love this city!

Moving into the dorm tomorrow morning!

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