Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's so hard to adjust to city life. Every single muscle in my body is aching, and I have stabbing pains shooting down from my hip to my ankle. I'm so glad I'll have a few days off after tomorrow. I will be laying on a couch. Watching The Office on Netflix.

And okay, I might make a stop near the Dakota. And Battery Park. Maybe.

Everyone notices my Southern accent! I can just say one sentence and someone asks, "So, what part of the south are you from?" Really? Is it that bad? I probably don't help my case much when I walk to the beer isle at Whole Foods and say "'scuse me, do y'all have Bud Light or Michelob Ultra?" I don't even care anymore. I'm just going to own it.

By the way, no store in Manhattan sells Bud Light or Michelob Ultra. Just sayin'. I walked 2 avenues and 3 streets down from the subway in Brooklyn to find Michelob (while limping on my left side from the soreness, I might add.)

The internship is going really well.  I'm finally starting to get the hang of things.  I've created a system while I work and it makes it so much easier.  And I'm still in awe of the models. They're so pretty. Yesterday, I worked on one of the girl's portfolios for a couple hours, then headed to my Anthro interview after work... on the way to the interview, I noticed the same girl was sitting right across from me on the subway.  So crazy.

I must say, though, I finally understand what people mean when they say there aren't enough hours in the day.  I can never get as much done at work as I want to, and after work I never have enough energy to do anything but lay on the couch.  Maybe by next week I'll adjust.

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