Friday, May 28, 2010

Laundry: A Hate Story

Let's go back to Monday.  Monday afternoon, while I was unpacking, J took a little trip to the laundry room in our dorm.  Five minutes later, she runs back inside our room and says there was a roach in the washing machine.  For those of you who may not know me very well, roach in a room= I will never ever ever ever enter that room.  Apparently, J is the same way.  So all week, we've been wondering what to do about washing our clothes because obviously neither of us would be going to the laundry room here.

So finally this morning, we decided that it was time.  We couldn't find a self service laundromat all week, so we figured that MAYBE if we went down together it wouldn't be as scary.  Around 6 AM (we missed the Sugarland concert by the way; didn't wake up in time) we carry our dirty clothes down to the dreaded basement laundry room.  We got downstairs and I thought, "well, it's not too bad down here." Then, J said it was even further down. We open the door to the basement and start walking down the damp, dark staircase.  It's completely quiet.  We reach the laundry room, and my imagination just gets the best of me.  I pictured putting my clothes in the machine and a giant roach jumping out and attacking me.  I think J pictured the same thing, because we ended up running back upstairs.

We googled tons of different laundromats, and finally found a self service one about a mile away called "Campus Laundry & Cleaners." Perfect. A mile isn't too far if it's roach-free, and if it's for students then it must be cheap. Right?

Wrong.  Upon arrival, the first thing I look for is the prices.  Get this.  Just try to wrap your mind around this.  I still can't.  $6 for one load of laundry, and 25 cents per 5 minutes of drying. WHAT! Okay, whatever, we're already here, I'll know better next time.  Maybe I can get a security guard to come with me to the dorm laundry room next time (you know, to keep those dangerous killer roaches away.)

So I put in all my quarters- I mean, literally, ALL my quarters. All of a sudden, the door locks, the machine starts, and I haven't put in my clothes yet! I start freaking out because I thought I just wasted $6.  The manager saw me do it and tried to help me but we had a bit of a language barrier:

Me: Oh no! It started! What do I do!
Laundroman: Why you do that? No when you see prewash you HALT!
Me: What!? I don't understand! Wait, wait, what do I do?
Laundroman: You HALT!
Me: I don't understand what you mean!
Laundroman: I do this for you and only you this one time, you do nothing. Go sit down.

I start to walk towards J with my tail between my legs, not understanding how on earth I didn't know how to use a washing machine.

Here I sit with my clean clothes, a sore shoulder from walking a mile back and forth with a full hamper, and the number to call an exterminator for the laundry room.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's been almost a full week since I've updated! I'll try my best to do a full recap of the past few days...

Well, first of all, I'm officially living in the dorm. It's great! It's a short walk to work and in a great neighborhood. I took pictures that I will post later.  The third roommate has yet to move in, but J. and I are having fun regardless.  By the way, NYU has dining halls figured out for real.  There are 4 dining halls and a few random locations around Union Square that we can use for our meals.  The only dining hall I've been to yet is a buffet with about every possible food imaginable: home style, vegetarian, pizza, sandwiches, hamburgers, salads, soups, a waffle maker (??), cereal, and desserts.  I'm glad I walk so much up here.. otherwise I wouldn't be recognizable when I come back home.

Work is going really well.  It can be stressful at times.  I'm glad I'm a multitasker, otherwise I would be completely lost.  There are several jobs I'm doing at once.  Currently, I'm updating 3 portfolios while getting models to fill out information sheets whenever they come in and writing down every editorial/test shot the models have taken in the past 6 months.  As far as the portfolios go, those can take a long time because I have to order prints for each girl and it can take up to a couple hours to get them, so I have to find little jobs to do in between.  On top of that, if I update a portfolio for one of the girls and it ends up that one of her books was checked out while I updated the rest of them, I have to look for the books when they return and go back and update those as well.  Thank God for post-it notes.

I think I've eaten more cupcakes in the past 2 weeks than I have in the past 5 years. It's always someone's birthday.  I may have already written about the cupcake thing, but there was another birthday celebration today involving cupcakes.  Again, I'm really glad I walk so much.

Oh, so here's a pretty random story that made my week.  Last night, I went out with Meagan and her friends.  Meagan was talking to a couple guys, and I ended up meeting them as well.  One of them, I would say around age 35, was named Shamone.  When he told me his name, I said, "I believe Michael Jackson used your named quite a bit in his songs." (Listen to "Bad.") He then tells me that his cousin used to live in Michael Jackson's neighborhood when he was really young, and he actually got to meet him once.  After introducing himself to Michael Jackson, MJ starts to repeatedly say his name.  "Shamone... hmm.. Shamone... that's so musical."  Apparently, a year later the "Bad" CD came out... coincidence???

Tomorrow morning, Sugarland will be playing in Central Park for FREE.  It's part of the GMA summer concert series.  I'm so thankful that I have a roommate from the south... because we are definitely going. Very excited. (I'm not a huge Sugarland fan, but I think it'll be a nice reminder of home.)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

I (partially) moved into the dorm today! Still waiting on some boxes to arrive, but I got my clothes moved in. I only got to meet one of my roommates so far.  Her name is Jay, she's interning at MTV this summer.  Sweet girl.  We're still waiting on another girl to show up.  The dorm room is HUGE. We have our own bathroom, 3 closets, and a storage room.  We're on the 3rd floor and have a great view of the neighborhood.

Our biggest dilemma was a lack of TV.  Neither of us had one, but both of us have to sleep with one.  So, Meagan came to the rescue and suggested we look under "free stuff" on Craigslist.  She found us a 22" TV that was completely free from a guy who lived a block or two away from us.  We pulled up, he put the TV in our car, and voila.  Problem solved. I love New York.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

I had the day off yesterday and spent the whole day in Central Park! It was heaven.  I walked around for about 4 hours, just kind of wandering around and taking pictures while listening to John Lennon's solo albums.  I'm convinced that everyone has to experience walking through the park, listening to "Out The Blue" at least once in their life.  Here's a few pictures from the day...

I have more on facebook- I think about 50 pictures.

After a while I headed towards the Upper East Side to walk around a bit... I decided that I much prefer the West Side.  After burning about 800000 calories walking, I wanted to get some ice cream.  So, I went on a search for Tasti D-Lite.  I started out at 73rd and 5th, heading south.  Finally, at 60th street, I found a subway.  I got off at the wrong stop- I ended up just on 57th and found the hotel I stayed at during my first trip up here.  I got back on the subway and headed towards Herald Square- 34th street.  I walked around for another hour and couldn't find the ice cream place, so I just went back to Brooklyn.  Meagan and I went to a little Mexican restaurant, then went back to the apartment... we both fell asleep really early.  Around 12:30, I woke up due to a... disturbance outside.  I couldn't go back to sleep, so I just stayed up and went to the airport with Meagan to drop off Emily around 5:30 AM.  We got breakfast near the East Side, passing Queens on the way.  At 6 AM, people were still at the club! Ha! It was so funny; all these girls were dressed up in their club gear walking the streets.  After breakfast we headed back to Brooklyn, and I finally fell asleep at 9 AM.

Every day here is a new adventure.  I really love this city!

Moving into the dorm tomorrow morning!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Another beer story.

So. Meagan and I are walking to drop off a movie and she mentions that there are two little convenient stores on the way that might sell my beloved light beer.  So we stop at both places just to check.  One of the stores has a few things that I can tolerate, but we go to the next store to see if they have Michelob. Just for kicks.


After dropping off the movie, we stop by the store again so I can buy the beer... just in case I don't find anymore for a while.  $9. Insane. Then, we walk back to the apartment.  When we get there, because of this victory, I decide I want to drink one.  I jokingly said, "Wouldn't it be terrible if it was expired?"

Guess what.

Like Meagan said... "it's like trying to find Waldo, but when you do... Waldo is dead."

Now, about work...

I'm really loving my job! The more I work on the portfolios, the more faces I recognize when they come in. That makes it more fun to me because it's more than just a picture- you get to see the real people behind it.  Today, I was working on one of the portfolios and one of the girls walks in and introduces herself.  I say hi to her, then after she walks away I see that I was actually working on her book... haha, that was probably why she introduced herself in the first place, but I didn't even realize it was her until after she walked away.

I have a 4 day weekend now, and all the soreness is gone, so I'm going to do some sightseeing tomorrow!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's so hard to adjust to city life. Every single muscle in my body is aching, and I have stabbing pains shooting down from my hip to my ankle. I'm so glad I'll have a few days off after tomorrow. I will be laying on a couch. Watching The Office on Netflix.

And okay, I might make a stop near the Dakota. And Battery Park. Maybe.

Everyone notices my Southern accent! I can just say one sentence and someone asks, "So, what part of the south are you from?" Really? Is it that bad? I probably don't help my case much when I walk to the beer isle at Whole Foods and say "'scuse me, do y'all have Bud Light or Michelob Ultra?" I don't even care anymore. I'm just going to own it.

By the way, no store in Manhattan sells Bud Light or Michelob Ultra. Just sayin'. I walked 2 avenues and 3 streets down from the subway in Brooklyn to find Michelob (while limping on my left side from the soreness, I might add.)

The internship is going really well.  I'm finally starting to get the hang of things.  I've created a system while I work and it makes it so much easier.  And I'm still in awe of the models. They're so pretty. Yesterday, I worked on one of the girl's portfolios for a couple hours, then headed to my Anthro interview after work... on the way to the interview, I noticed the same girl was sitting right across from me on the subway.  So crazy.

I must say, though, I finally understand what people mean when they say there aren't enough hours in the day.  I can never get as much done at work as I want to, and after work I never have enough energy to do anything but lay on the couch.  Maybe by next week I'll adjust.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Today was my first day of work. It was crazy!

Basically, my job will be to update portfolios in the women's division. It sounds easy, but it is very time consuming. I only got three done today.  I go through each model's portfolios (some have 4 or 5) and make sure they all match each other (picture size, coloring, etc). Whenever a picture doesn't match, I order one over the computer and pick it up down the hall.  They told me at the beginning of the day to send the files over iChat because walking back and forth constantly can get old; boy, were they right.  At first I thought it wasn't really that far of a walk, but after making the trip probably 30 times, I realized two things: do as much as possible over the computer, and don't leave anything down there! I kept forgetting things, and having to walk back. Whew. Anyways, after picking it up, I cut the picture to the correct size and put it in the portfolio. Thennnn, I go back down the hall to get new labels for the portfolios because some of the labels are out of whack.  Needless to say, my feet are killing me. But it is a lot of fun! The busyness of it is exciting.

I was surprised by how many models kept walking in the office.  They are all as pretty as their pictures. I swear, it looked like none of them needed to be airbrushed.  And they were all so young! It was kind of cool seeing a model walk in after I just updated her portfolio.

After a long day of work, I went to dinner with Meagan and a few of her friends in Chinatown.  It was sooo good. I'm usually not a big fan of Chinese food, but I've only eaten buffet before.  After dinner, Meagan and I took the subway home... and ran into some interesting characters. First, while waiting for the subway, this old asian woman apparently took a liking to us.  We were standing there for about ten minutes, and she just stared at us and smiled the ENTIRE time. It was so strange! Eventually we just busted out laughing because it was so creepy.  Thank God, the subway came shortly after that.  So we got on, and after a while this girl behind me started yelling to her boyfriend about this "stupid white girl" (she was white too) and how she was gonna "punch her if she don't move."  Meagan started laughing, and then I realized she was talking about me! Ha. I had my back turned to her so I didn't realize how close I was to her, but she was getting pretty rowdy. I moved away from her, and as we got off the subway she glared at us and said "HAVE A NICE DAY."

You really do meet some different people in this city.

Well, I am going to bed. I am so worn out.
Anthropologie interview tomorrow after work.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

What a day!

Considering I start work tomorrow and I'll be busy pretty much here on out, I decided to take a little tour of the city today. It started as just wanting to make sure I knew how to get to work from Brooklyn (I'm staying in Brooklyn for the first week), so I got on the subway around noon and headed towards Manhattan.

After finding Ford, I looked up addresses to a few places I've been dying to see. The first address was to Chelsea Hotel (Edie Sedgwick lived there in the 60's), and wouldn't you know it, it was just a five minute walk from Ford.  I walked around Chelsea for about an hour. I'm in love.

The next stop was my future dorm.  On the way to the subway, I accidentally walked past a camera while someone was filming.  Not sure what they were filming, but I bet they weren't happy with me for messing up the scene. After arriving at Brittany Hall, I tried to decide between SoHo and The Dakota (yes, I have a weird obsession with it.)  I started to feel tired, so I decided to go to Serendipity instead and sit down with a cup of coffee, then walk to the Dakota.

Not. It was really expensive. And crowded!

At that point, I was really worn out and hungry.  I got on the subway and headed towards SoHo so I could sit down for a little while. I was hoping to find something to eat right when I got off the subway.  Word of advice: never go to popular places on a sunny weekend day in NY! It was super busy- not how I remembered it at all. I walked for about thirty minutes, then wound up at a pizzeria in Little Italy. I don't care what people say, New Yorkers really are nice. I managed to drop my piece of pizza within 10 seconds of holding it. A customer got up and picked it up for me, then I was given a new piece immediately. Nice Northern hospitality. After eating, I walked around SoHo a little bit. I ended up leaving after a while- I like it better on quiet days.  When I got to the subway, a lost woman came up to me and said, "Excuse me, do you live here?" With great pleasure I said, "Yes, I do." She then asked for directions, which I gave hesitantly.  I think/hope I pointed her in the right direction.

I ended up in Union Square looking for a pair of shoes for work.  After the 5 hours of walking, I was moving at a snail's pace. I found a pair at DSW, then desperately searched for another place to sit down.  Starbucks? No. Dunkin Donuts? Busy. I walked a little while, then found an ice cream/coffee shop tucked away on 10th street.  I sat down for a little while, then headed back to Brooklyn.

I sit here now completely exhausted. I don't think I'll be moving from the couch all night.

All in all, a very exciting first day in the city.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Day One

The day finally came. I'm sitting in an apartment in Brooklyn, trying to recap the last few months in my mind and how this all began.

I just have to say, honestly, I'm not really sure why I was chosen for this internship.  I feel overwhelmingly blessed to have such a great opportunity.  But, I'm nervous about maybe not being prepared enough or not knowing what I'm getting myself into.  I guess time will tell.  I can't wait to see what this summer has in store.

I saw Brooklyn for the first time ever today.  Meagan and I walked around all day, ate some delicious Thai food, and shopped.  I'm totally being a tourist- taking pictures of anything out of the ordinary.  Also, I heard the first "where are you from?" today. "Missssippi."

Well, that's all for today. I woke up at 3:30 this morning, so I'm a bit out of it. I'll write again tomorrow when my brain is fully functioning.